Perception of Meaningful Work and Job Satisfaction of Accounting Faculty Members




Meaning, meaningful work, job satisfaction, accounting academics, university education. JEL Codes: M40, M10


Meaningful work is the values formed by the person's expectations about their workplace. Job satisfaction is the positive feelings one has for one's job. This study aims to measure whether accounting academicians find their jobs meaningful and their satisfaction levels in their careers. The sample size is 164 people who are accounting academics in Turkey. The study measured the relationship between the meaningful job and job satisfaction, and the subdimension of the meaningful job was examined. Significant relationships were found between some sub-dimensions of meaningful work and job satisfaction.


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Biografia do Autor

Ayşe Nilgün Ertuğrul, İstanbul Medeniyet University, İstanbul, Türkiye (Turkey).

Associate Professor, Department of Management, İstanbul Medeniyet University, İstanbul, Türkiye (Turkey).


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Como Citar

Ertuğrul, A. N. (2022). Perception of Meaningful Work and Job Satisfaction of Accounting Faculty Members. Amazonia Investiga, 11(50), 232–244.


