Axiological constants of educational mobility




axiology, human dimension of education, educational mobility, educational values, social philosophy, philosophy of education.


The article analyzes the process of educational mobility in terms of educational philosophy. The philosophical and axiological constants of educational mobility allow us to clearly indicate the purpose of this process. Advantages and disadvantages of mobility form value priorities in integration educational cluster. Values are a litmus test of expediency and effectiveness of mobility for subjects of education and educational system. Axiological human dimension of education ensures its sustainable progressive development, while integration is only a tool to ensure it. The aim of the work is to develop a system of axiological norms formed in the process of educational mobility. It is practically impossible to create a universal system of values for the educational sphere, so we consider dialectical contradictions of socio-cultural categories as an acceptable methodology for the formation of relevant mobility axiological constants. Contradictions of globalization and identification trends, imbalance of in formativeness and communicativeness of educational process, contradictions in issues of openness and accessibility of education, correlation of pragmatic and humanistic ideas in learning, classification of horizontal and vertical forms of mobility are the categories that provide a common understanding of value priorities in education.


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Biografia do Autor

Liudmyla Shvydun, «Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education» Dnipropetrovsk Regional Council», Ukraine.

Senior Lecturer Department of Preschool and Primary Education Communal Institution of Higher Education «Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education» Dnipropetrovsk Regional Council», Ukraine.

Ganna Krapivnyk, H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, Ukraine.

DSc in Philosophy, PhD in Philology, Associate professor Department of English Philology H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, Ukraine.

Larysa Dvornichenko, A.S. Makarenko Sumy Pedagogical University Romenska, Ukraine.

PhD of philosophical sciences, docent Associate professor the Department of Psychology A.S. Makarenko Sumy Pedagogical University Romenska, Ukraine.

Hanna Korzh, H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, Ukraine.

PhD of philosophical sciences Associate professor at the Department of Philosophy at G.S. Skovoroda National Pedagogical University the Department of Philosophy H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, Ukraine.


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Como Citar

Shvydun, L., Krapivnyk, G., Dvornichenko, L., & Korzh, H. (2021). Axiological constants of educational mobility. Amazonia Investiga, 10(48), 264–273.


