Features of enterprise risk management associated with operational risks





simulation, operational risk, optimization, decision making, legal entity.


Purpose of the work: within the framework of the concept of corporate risk management Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) to study the basic types of risks, assess their role in the modern economy, analyze external and internal operational risks and propose approaches to their quantitative assessment. As a research methodology, it is proposed to use the developed tools of mathematical and numerical modeling, which allows one to obtain, in the key of interest to the decision maker, qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the dynamics of business processes. The operational and economic risks (as very often occurring in the activities of subjects of economic relations) and directly affecting their economic and information security are considered in sufficient detail. It is noted that the risks associated with disruption of business continuity (which enterprises face in their activities) can be included in various classification systems of risks, grouped according to various criteria. The need to identify the mismatch between the design and actual metrics of the organizational structure (establishment of its structure and operating schemes based on the needs of the enterprise/organization) is indicated for solving the optimization problem.


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Biografia do Autor

Andrey S. Boyar-Sozonovitch, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow, Russia.

PhD in Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow, Russia.

Alexey Yu. Buikin, "Centre of Information Technologies and Systems for Executive Power Authorities", Moscow, Russia.

Deputy Head of the Legal Department, Federal State Autonomous Research Institution "Centre of Information Technologies and Systems for Executive Power Authorities", Moscow, Russia.

Kirill V. Pitelinskiy, Moscow Polytechnic University, Moscow, Russia.

PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Master of Business Administration, Moscow Polytechnic University, Moscow, Russia.


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Como Citar

Boyar-Sozonovitch, A. S., Buikin, A. Y., & Pitelinskiy, K. V. (2021). Features of enterprise risk management associated with operational risks. Amazonia Investiga, 10(46), 9–19. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2021.46.10.1


