The influence of the crisis on corporate governance and its legislative regulation: evidence from Ukraine




organizational structure, planning, factors, leader, activities, Ukraine.


The crisis caused by COVID-19 pandemic has affected the world community, changed the usual way of operating and managing each organization. The article aims to outline possible ways to optimize corporate management in crisis conditions in Ukraine. Based on the statistical methods the influence of COVID-19 pandemic on the activity of organisations in these conditions in Ukraine was determined, thus, this period was characterized by enterprises’ income fall, growing share of dismissed employees, new challenges for administrative staff in the area of innovation and change management etc. The most significant factors influencing the organization's crisis management were classified: negative (economic loss, lack of working capital, lack of demand for the products of the company, reducing staff, closing the economic areas that affect the company's operations, interruptions in the work of contractors) and positive (ensuring the stability of wages, changes in labor legislation, management flexibility, development of new forms of business, improving communication between the administration of the organization and the state). Determined that optimize crisis management organization possible through the implementation of management, economic and legislative measures. The optimization of crisis management of the organization will lead to economic development and preservation of human capital in the country.


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Biografia do Autor

Alina H. Harkusha, Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, Dnipro city, Ukraine.

Associate Professor, Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, Dnipro city, Ukraine.

Oleg P. Koretsky, Institution of higher education Lviv University business and law, Lviv, Ukraine.

Associate Professor of Judiciary, Prosecutor's Office and advocacy Institution of higher education Lviv University business and law, Lviv, Ukraine.

Pavlo S. Pokataiev, Classical Private University, Zaporizhzhia city, Ukraine.

Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Doctor of Laws, Professor, Classical Private University, Zaporizhzhia city, Ukraine.

Hryhorii M. Bukanov, National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, Dnipro city, Ukraine.

Candidate of Political Sciences, Associate Professor, Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic National University, Doctoral Student, Department of Management and Project Management, Dnipropetrovsk Regional Institute of Public Administration of the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, Dnipro city, Ukraine.

Andrii V. Biliuk, Classical Private University, Zaporizhzhia city, Ukraine.

Candidate of Science in Public Administration, Classical Private University, Zaporizhzhia city, Ukraine.


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Como Citar

Harkusha, A. H., Koretsky, O. P., Pokataiev, P. S., Bukanov, H. M., & Biliuk, A. V. (2021). The influence of the crisis on corporate governance and its legislative regulation: evidence from Ukraine. Amazonia Investiga, 10(45), 158–174.


