Water Diplomacy in the Aral Sea Basin


  • Mohammadreza Dehshiri School for International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Tehran, Iran.
  • Hamed Hekmatara School for International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Tehran, Iran.


Afghanistan. Aral Sea Basin, Central Asian Countries, Iran, Water Resources; Water Diplomacy.


While there is potential for conflict in Central Asia over water resources, due to the lack of full implementation of agreed arrangements, there is still very little chance of armed confrontation between countries in the region. In spite of occasional tensions, countries in the region cooperate with each other through international mediation and resolve their disagreements. However, after two decades of international efforts to revitalize the Aral Sea and implement changes to stabilize the ecological situation in the area, the problems of drying this important sea as a major drainage in the Central Asian region, and it does not seem that a proper and applicable solution in the near future in order to end the crisis. The five Central Asian leaders agree on the close proximity of the Aral Sea's drying due to overuse and water losses that enter the sea through the two main rivers of “Amu Darya” and “Syr Darya”. These leaders are also aware of the catastrophic consequences of the living and health conditions of about 40 million inhabitants of the coastal area of the Sea. But the political and personal disputes between these leaders will put an end to these negotiations. Also, given that Iran and Afghanistan are common with Central Asian countries in the Aral Sea basin, these countries are also required to be present in the water talks. In order to reply to the main question of how the level of water diplomacy can be promoted in the Aral basin, the authors believe that “Participation of all stakeholders in water talks”, “More active role by international organizations”, “Review of inappropriate water plans” and “Use of new water resources” in the Aral Sea basin, can settle water disputes through dialogue in the framework of water diplomacy.


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Biografia do Autor

Mohammadreza Dehshiri, School for International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Tehran, Iran.

Assoc. Prof. of Political Science, School for International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Tehran, Iran.

Hamed Hekmatara, School for International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Tehran, Iran.

M.A. student of Regional Studies, School for International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Tehran, Iran.


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Como Citar

Dehshiri, M., & Hekmatara, H. (2019). Water Diplomacy in the Aral Sea Basin. Amazonia Investiga, 8(21), 747–762. Recuperado de https://amazoniainvestiga.info/index.php/amazonia/article/view/163


