Online practicum and teacher efficacy: correlation, challenges, and lessons arising from Covid-19 pandemic




Instructional strategies, online-based practicum, school-based practicum, self-efficacy, student engagement.


This study examined the influence of teaching practicum on preservice teachers’ sense of self-efficacy during the covid-19 pandemic. In particular, the study sort to establish if both online and school-based teaching practicums have the same influence on the preservice teachers self-efficacy. A questionnaire was used to collect data from 40 preservice teachers, 2 of them were also interviewed for further insight into the answers provided. It was found that the preservice teachers’ sense of self-efficacy was at best “average” during the pandemic time, with online-based practicum teachers showing a slightly stronger self-efficacy overall. However, school-based practicum teachers showed higher self-efficacy in classroom management and student engagement. The slight differences in efficacy levels were found not to be statistically significant to cause a difference in opinion between online teaching practicum and school-based teaching practicum. Possible reasons for general low levels of self-efficacy were discussed, and causes for slightly higher efficacy for online-based practicum also suggested.  


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Biografia do Autor

David Wafula Waswa, Tishk International University, Erbil, Iraq.

Tishk International University, Erbil, Iraq.

Suleyman Celik, Tishk International University, Erbil, Iraq.

Tishk International University, Erbil, Iraq.


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Como Citar

Wafula Waswa, D., & Celik, S. (2021). Online practicum and teacher efficacy: correlation, challenges, and lessons arising from Covid-19 pandemic. Amazonia Investiga, 10(41), 19–29.


