The Impact of Micro-finance on Self-employment and Poverty Reduction: A case of Sindh Rural Support Organization and Tameer Micro Finance Bank, Sindh


  • Israr Ahmed University of Sindh.
  • Imamuddin Khoso University of Sindh.



Micro finance(MF), Reduction of poverty(PR), self-employment(SE), Sindh rural support organization(SRSO), Telenor microfinance bank(TBM).


Micro finance is well-organized and successful instrument to decrease poverty. Although microfinance Sector in Pakistan has recognize important development and attain little cost formations. The major reason of study is to forecast that how Micro finance decreases poverty or not and method of self-employment in rural and urban of Sindh successful or not. A most important mean of this research article was to calculate that what type of Impact of microfinance on reduction of poverty and Self-employment with Supply lending and Demand following hypotheses theory. Researcher used Stratified random sampling technique 500 clients of each organization (TMB and SRSO) was selected for testing PLS with Smartpls 3. After assessment of responses with the help PLS of measurement and structural model result shows positive impact of independent variable (IV) on Dependent variables (DVs).


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Biografia do Autor

Israr Ahmed, University of Sindh.

PhD. Scholar IBA, University of Sindh.

Imamuddin Khoso, University of Sindh.

Professor (PhD Supervisor) IBA University of Sindh.


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Como Citar

Ahmed, I., & Khoso, I. (2020). The Impact of Micro-finance on Self-employment and Poverty Reduction: A case of Sindh Rural Support Organization and Tameer Micro Finance Bank, Sindh. Amazonia Investiga, 9(32), 18–27.


