Applying Technologies of Distributed Registries and Blockchains in Popular Voting and Lawmaking: Key Methods and Main Problems


  • Sergey Zenin Kutafin Moscow State Law University; Department of Theory of State and Law, South-Ural State University (National Research University), Russia
  • Dmitry Kuteynikov Moscow State Law University, Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya Str., Moscow, Russia
  • Osman Izhaev Legal Department of the Moscow City Election Commission, Mohovaya Str., Moscow, Russia
  • Ivan Yapryntsev Constitutional Court, Senatskaya Sq., St. Petersburg, Russia


Blockchain, distributed communication systems, distributed ledger technologies, distributed registers, the rule of people, election, popular voting, electronic voting, digital economy.


Being a driving force behind the development of various social relations, the intensification of modern technologies forms new conditions for modernizing democratic institutions. Different innovations in the field of digital communications affect mechanisms for the realization of political rights and freedoms of a person and citizen, transform activities of public authorities and tools of their interaction with civil society institutions. In these conditions, innovations influence even traditional areas, including popular voting and lawmaking. The active introduction of distributed registry technologies affected the development of new methodological approaches and reformed the organization of elections. This technology has widespread use due to blockchain technology. Although it was initially considered as an element of development in the information and financial spheres, now blockchain is gradually entering other spheres of human activity, including political, due to the high degree of security and confidentiality. This paper analyzes the global practice of using this technology in popular voting and legislative procedures. The authors of the article consider technical solutions applied in the most rapidly growing projects aimed to develop their own software for conducting electronic election powered by a blockchain technology. Special attention is paid to the legal security of voting by secret ballot and the identification of voters in the conditions of applying these technologies.


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Biografia do Autor

Sergey Zenin, Kutafin Moscow State Law University; Department of Theory of State and Law, South-Ural State University (National Research University), Russia

Kutafin Moscow State Law University; Department of Theory of State and Law, South-Ural State University (National Research University), Russia

Dmitry Kuteynikov, Moscow State Law University, Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya Str., Moscow, Russia

Moscow State Law University, Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya Str., Moscow, Russia

Osman Izhaev, Legal Department of the Moscow City Election Commission, Mohovaya Str., Moscow, Russia

Legal Department of the Moscow City Election Commission, Mohovaya Str., Moscow, Russia

Ivan Yapryntsev, Constitutional Court, Senatskaya Sq., St. Petersburg, Russia

Constitutional Court, Senatskaya Sq., St. Petersburg, Russia


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Como Citar

Zenin, S., Kuteynikov, D., Izhaev, O., & Yapryntsev, I. (2019). Applying Technologies of Distributed Registries and Blockchains in Popular Voting and Lawmaking: Key Methods and Main Problems. Amazonia Investiga, 8(20), 330–339. Recuperado de


