Issues of regulating cryptocurrency and control over its turnover: international experience




cryptocurrency, crypto asset, digital currency, cryptocurrency turnover, legal status of cryptocurrencies, legal regulation of cryptocurrencies.


The article deals with an important and relevant topic – the definition of the concept and essence of cryptocurrencies, the study of the problems of their legal regulation, the rationale for control over their turnover, as well as the analysis of ways to counter money laundering that involves cryptocurrency. The authors emphasize that measures taken exclusively at the state level are not enough to create an effective, integrated and comprehensive system for regulating the legal status of cryptocurrencies. Therefore, international cooperation and the strengthening of cooperation between various states in the field of cryptocurrency regulation is important.
The authors analyze the scientific doctrine regarding the essence of cryptocurrency. It was found out that there was no single approach to the definition of “cryptocurrency” among scientists. Moreover, cryptocurrencies in various laws of the world have different status.
The authors used general scientific and special scientific methods, which provided an objective analysis of the purpose of the study. The research methods were used in interconnection and interdependence, which ensured the comprehensiveness and completeness of the research, as well as the validity of the obtained scientific results. The authors have determined states where cryptocurrency has an official status, is at the initial stage of legal regulation or completely prohibited at the state level.
The relevance of the research consists in the actual absence of the legal framework for the regulation of cryptocurrencies, which is conditioned by the novelty of this phenomenon and the problems related to its functioning. The authors proposed their own definition of cryptocurrency based on its main features.


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Biografia do Autor

Mykhailo Dumchikov, Sumy State University.

PhD in Law, Senior Lecturer, Department of Criminal Legal Disciplines and Procedure, Sumy State University.

Nataliia Kononenko, National Academy of Internal Affairs.

Doctor of Law, Senior Lecturer, Department of Forensics and Forensic Medicine, National Academy of Internal Affairs.

Liudmyla Batsenko, Sumy National Agricultural University.

PhD, Associate Professor, Management Department, Sumy National Agricultural University.

Roman Halenin, Sumy State University.

PhD, Senior Lecturer, Department of Economics and Business Administration, Sumy State University.

Nataliia Hlushchenko, Sumy State University.

Assistant Lecturer, Department of Administrative, Economic Law and Financial and Economic Security, Sumy State University.


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Como Citar

Dumchikov, M., Kononenko, N., Batsenko, L., Halenin, R., & Hlushchenko, N. (2020). Issues of regulating cryptocurrency and control over its turnover: international experience. Amazonia Investiga, 9(31), 10–20.


