Paternalist Leadership In Contemporary Education Strategies In Conflict Solution and Management




Conflict, conflict management, paternalist leadership and conflict.


Schools are institutions where human relations are intensive due to the existence of different individuals and groups. Therefore, as in every organization, it is natural to have conflicts in schools due to different human profiles and changing views. While it is a natural situation to have conflicts, the main thing to focus on is how to manage the conflict rather than the existence of the conflict. At this point, administrators, who are leaders in schools, have big duties. The response and conflict management strategies that managers will give to the conflict are directly related to the leadership styles of the preventators. In this study, it was aimed to determine the strategies used by school administrators with paternalist leadership style, which is one of the leadership styles sought in contemporary education approach, during conflict resolution or management. In the research prepared using the qualitative method. The sample of the research consisted of 5 teachers (25 teachers) each who worked in the schools of 5 administrators working in private and public primary schools affiliated to the TRNC Ministry of Education in the academic year 2019-2020. The sample of the research is in accordance with the “purposeful sampling” approach. During the analysis of the data, “content analysis” method was used. According to the results of the research, according to the opinions of the teachers, it was understood that the most common method of conflict resolution, which the paternalist leaders pursue in the conflicts in the school environment, was “uniting those in common view”. In addition, there have been conclusions that the managers tried to find a solution to the conflict by making one-to-one interviews with the people who caused the conflict after the conflict, and that this was effective in preventing the conflict from recurring.


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Biografia do Autor

Nedime Karasel Ayda, University of Kyrenia/Kyrenia-Cyprus.

Doctor of the Faculty of Education, Educational Sciences Institutes, University of Kyrenia/Kyrenia-Cyprus.

Fahri Tumka, Near East University/Nicosia-Cyprus.

MsC of the Faculty of Education, Educational Sciences Institutes, Near East University/Nicosia-Cyprus.

Şengül Tumkan, Near East University/Nicosia-Cyprus.

MsC of the Faculty of Education, Educational Sciences Institutes, Near East University/Nicosia-Cyprus.

Orçun Ayda, Alasya Primary School/Famagusta-Cyprus.

School manager of the Alasya Primary School/Famagusta-Cyprus.


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Como Citar

Karasel Ayda, N., Tumka, F., Tumkan, Şengül, & Ayda, O. (2020). Paternalist Leadership In Contemporary Education Strategies In Conflict Solution and Management. Amazonia Investiga, 9(30), 84–98.


