Self-efficacy Sources among General Education Teachers in Inclusive Schools: A Cross-Cultural Study




alternative experiences, Inclusion, mastery experiences, self-efficacy, verbal persuasion.


The inclusion of students with special needs in general education classes has become a goal that all educational systems worldwide strive to achieve it. The inclusion of special needs has many benefits, whether for special needs students or regular students. The current study aims to reveal the differences in the self-efficacy among general education teachers in both the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Arab Republic of Egypt. It aims also to reveal the sources of this self-efficacy in both countries. The core study sample consisted of (96) Saudi teachers and (88) Egyptian teachers. The researcher used the teachers 'self-efficacy scale and the teachers' self-efficacy sources scale. The results of the study indicated that there is a significant difference between the average scores of the total self-efficacy and its sub-dimensions between the Saudi and Egyptian sample for the outperform of The Egyptian teachers. It indicated that the source of the mastery experience was a significant predictive of the self-efficacy of the Saudi teachers, and   it explained 53% of the variation in self-efficacy. It also indicated that the mastery experience was a significant predictive of the self-efficacy of the Egyptian teachers, and it explained 13% of the variance in self-efficacy.


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Biografia do Autor

Mohammad S. Soliman, Northern Border University, Saudi Arabia.

Psychology Departement, Faculty of Arts and Education, Northern Border University, Saudi Arabia.


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Como Citar

Soliman, M. S. (2020). Self-efficacy Sources among General Education Teachers in Inclusive Schools: A Cross-Cultural Study. Amazonia Investiga, 9(30), 67–76.


