Psychological and physiological characteristics of criminals and victims of crimes of personal freedom based on Russian criminal cases


  • Aleksandr Kaliuzhnyi Academy Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, Russia.
  • Nikolai Shurukhnov Scientific research institute of the federal service of punishments of the Russian Federation, Russia.
  • Oleg Karpushkin Academy Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, Russia.



investigation, personal freedom, criminal, victims, personality, causes of encroachment on freedom, criminal’s classification.


A person’s personality is a carrier of individual, unique signs and traits that depend on its nature and are formed during life experience, including during the commission of crimes. We studied 320 criminal cases of violations of personal freedom (kidnapping, human trafficking, the use of their slave labor, etc.), as well as an analysis of the scientific literature that made it possible to substantiate the characteristics of criminals and their victims. As a result of the study, criminals and their victims were classified into groups. The features of these groups were characterized. The study of the personal properties of criminals and victims is necessary for all crimes of personal freedom, regardless of the commission country, and allows you to properly organize an investigation, put forward standard versions, build work to find traces and means of crime, thereby exposing the criminal.


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Biografia do Autor

Aleksandr Kaliuzhnyi, Academy Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, Russia.

PhD, Academy Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, Russia.

Nikolai Shurukhnov, Scientific research institute of the federal service of punishments of the Russian Federation, Russia.

PhD, Scientific research institute of the federal service of punishments of the Russian Federation, Russia.

Oleg Karpushkin, Academy Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, Russia.

PhD, Academy Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, Russia.


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Como Citar

Kaliuzhnyi, A., Shurukhnov, N., & Karpushkin, O. (2020). Psychological and physiological characteristics of criminals and victims of crimes of personal freedom based on Russian criminal cases. Amazonia Investiga, 9(29), 472–481.


