The role of cognitive style in the formation of a professional discursive personality of journalist N. I. Novikov




professional discursive personality, cognitive mechanisms of interpretation, linguistic mechanisms of discursive activity, cognitive style, knowledge structures.


The relevance of the research is due to the growing interest in finding new approaches to describing the discursive personality in General and professional, in particular. The main goal of the research is to identify the features of cognitive style and determine its role in the formation of professional discursive personality of N. I. Novikov as a journalist. The research is carried out within the framework of cognitive-discursive and linguistic paradigms. As the main one, we use an interpretative analysis of the knowledge structures behind the language means of N. I. Novikov's discourse. The paper highlights and interprets the components of the cognitive style of N. I. Novikov's discursive personality in correlation with his language consciousness. The methods of perception of the world by N. I. Novikov's discursive personality, the peculiarities of representation of the world's realities in discourse, and the manner of transmitting information about the world are determined. Personal preferences of a discursive person, as well as cognitive, semiological and motivational ones are revealed. It is proved that the features of N. I. Novikov's professional discursive personality are determined by the specifics of his cognitive style, objectified by cognitive and linguistic mechanisms of discursive activity. A definition of the concept of "cognitive style" is proposed. The components of cognitive style are interpreted as an element of theory for the analysis of a discursive personality. The role of cognitive style in the formation of a professional discursive personality of a journalist of the 18th century is determined.


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Biografia do Autor

Tatyana Aleksandrovna Sidorova, Northern (Arctic) Federal University, Russia.

Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor of Russian Language and Speech Culture Department, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation, professor Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Russia.

Elena Revovna Kornienko, Northern State Medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation.

PhD in Pedagogy, associate professor at the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology Northern State Medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation, Russia.

Elvira Nikolaevna Akimova, Pushkin State Russian Language Institute, Moscow, Russia.

Doctor of Philology, Professor, Department of Russian Philology and Cross Cultural Communication, Pushkin State Russian Language Institute, Moscow, Russia.

Natalya Evgenyevna Petrova, Minin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University (Minin University), Russia.

Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Russian Language and Speech Culture, Minin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University (Minin University), Department of Russian Language and Culture of Speech, Russia.


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Como Citar

Sidorova, T. A., Kornienko, E. R., Akimova, E. N., & Petrova, N. E. (2020). The role of cognitive style in the formation of a professional discursive personality of journalist N. I. Novikov. Amazonia Investiga, 9(29), 307–315.


