Nasimi's thought and effect in Comparative Literature in Foreign Resources (Analyzing with Goethe's, S. Remiev’s and Dafydd ap Gwilym)




Dafydd ap Gwilym, Goethe, Hurufism, Nasimi, Philosophy, Segyt Remiev.


Imadeddin Nasimi is one of the mystical poets of the 14th century as a continuation of the Hurufism movement among Turkish poets. From Nasimi's point of view, ontology has been explained based on theological thought that everything is from the first force, which is equivalent to the whole new soul of the Platonists. The first appearance and the highest manifestation is the originality, the "Word" or the "Word of God," which is called the holy word. A similar view of the origins of Plotinus can found in the poems of other talented medieval and contemporary poets. Nasimi appropriately evaluated in both Eastern and Western literature. Therefore, 2019 was declared the year of Nasimi by UNESCO. He tried to understand God, not through fear, but love and conscience. The greatness of the perfect human personality for the progress of societies can be seen in Nasimi's view.

In foreign sources, the philosophical aspect of Nasimi's poems is considered more than his ideological approach. But in this article, the aim of the investigation is that the literary, mystical, and worldview aspects of Nasimi and analyzing the effect of his mystical view on other poets' poems. In this context, Goethe, Dafydd ap Gwilym, Remiev's intellectual approaches, and poems would be analyzed.

In the philosophy of ontology, the importance of self-knowledge is a priority. Therefore, based on comparative studies between Nasimi's mystical thought and German, Russian, and English poets, it is possible to understand the constituent elements of the commonality between them. This research will lead to the study of philosophical-mystical themes and the similarity of views between Nasimi and other poets. The use of the research method is the analytical-descriptive method, and their poems compared and criticized. The results of the analysis show that the poets of the Western World influenced by the mystical view of the Eastern world, and the approach of literary celebrities in the world is common to the definition of a perfect human being.


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Biografia do Autor

Ghadir Golkarian, Near East University, Nicosia/ Cyprus.

Near East University, Nicosia/ Cyprus.


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Como Citar

Golkarian, G. (2020). Nasimi’s thought and effect in Comparative Literature in Foreign Resources (Analyzing with Goethe’s, S. Remiev’s and Dafydd ap Gwilym). Amazonia Investiga, 9(29), 264–272.


