The right to induced termination of pregnancy: social, ethical and legal issues


  • Svetlana Stepanovna Shevchuk North Caucasian Federal University
  • Ivan Nikolaevich Kashurin North Caucasian Federal University
  • Evgenia Sergeevna Sagalaeva North Caucasian Federal University
  • Svetlana Nikolaevna Ivahnenko North Caucasian Federal University
  • Galina Olegovna Belanova North Caucasian Federal University
  • Nazima Shafievna Ibragimova North Caucasian Federal University


Reproductive health, pregnancy, legal status of an embryo, induced termination of pregnancy (abortion), social and medical grounds for abortion, restriction of the right to abortion.


The paper is devoted to research, analysis and solution of problems connected with legal regulation of relations arising from the realization of the right to induced termination of pregnancy by women as a component of a more general right to reproductive health. The modern Russian and foreign legal framework and law enforcement practice in the sphere of relations related to induced termination of pregnancy are analyzed in the article. Theoretical, practical, social and ethical issues concerning the rights and interests of a pregnant woman and other participants of such social relations are explored. The relevance and necessity for further development and improvement of the legal regime regulating the relations connected with realization of the woman’s right to induced termination of pregnancy are substantiated. Scientific novelty of the paper consists in the fact that the authors have made an attempt to identify the main trends and directions in the legal framework for the sphere of social reproductive relations and develop constructive proposals for improvement of the legal mechanism of realization of the woman’s right to induced termination of pregnancy based on studies of the history of development of the institution of induced termination of pregnancy and analysis of the current norms of Russian and foreign legislation.


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Biografia do Autor

Svetlana Stepanovna Shevchuk, North Caucasian Federal University

North Caucasian Federal University, Pushkina Street, 1, Stavropol, 355009, Russian Federation

Ivan Nikolaevich Kashurin, North Caucasian Federal University

North Caucasian Federal University, Pushkina Street, 1, Stavropol, 355009, Russian Federation

Evgenia Sergeevna Sagalaeva, North Caucasian Federal University

North Caucasian Federal University, Pushkina Street, 1, Stavropol, 355009, Russian Federation

Svetlana Nikolaevna Ivahnenko, North Caucasian Federal University

North Caucasian Federal University, Pushkina Street, 1, Stavropol, 355009, Russian Federation

Galina Olegovna Belanova, North Caucasian Federal University

North Caucasian Federal University, Pushkina Street, 1, Stavropol, 355009, Russian Federation

Nazima Shafievna Ibragimova, North Caucasian Federal University

North Caucasian Federal University, Pushkina Street, 1, Stavropol, 355009, Russian Federation


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Como Citar

Shevchuk, S. S., Kashurin, I. N., Sagalaeva, E. S., Ivahnenko, S. N., Belanova, G. O., & Ibragimova, N. S. (2019). The right to induced termination of pregnancy: social, ethical and legal issues. Amazonia Investiga, 8(21), 576–587. Recuperado de


