How to improve researchers' communication, collaboration and commercialization of R&D in regions?




communications, collaboration, science, research and development, region, commercialization.


The article presents a comprehensive analysis of the current state of the Russian Federation’s regions in terms of the created conditions for cooperation between research teams and the commercialization of scientists’ results of intellectual activity. The authors made an analysis of the estimated indicators, as well as the calculation of the integral index characterizing the given indicators. Case studies of the most developed regions are presented. The resulting conclusions can be the basis for the development of a regional environment that promotes scientific activity.


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Biografia do Autor

Anna Maltseva, Lurye Scientific and Methodological Center for Higher School Innovative Activity, Tver State University, Russian Federation.

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Director of Lurye Scientific and Methodological Center for Higher School Innovative Activity, Tver State University, Russian Federation.

Natalya Barsukova, Lurye Scientific and Methodological Center for Higher School Innovative Activity, Russian Federation.

Senior researcher in Lurye Scientific and Methodological Center for Higher School Innovative Activity, Russian Federation.

Elena Klyushnikova, Lurye Scientific and Methodological Center for Higher School Innovative Activity, Russian Federation.

Senior researcher in Lurye Scientific and Methodological Center for Higher School Innovative Activity, Russian Federation.

Aleksandra Gridchina, Department of public administration and law, Moscow Polytechnic University, Moscow, Russian Federation.

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Department of public administration and law, Moscow Polytechnic University, Moscow, Russian Federation.

Irina Kogotkova, Project Management Department, State University of management.

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor of Project Management Department, State University of management.

Irina Brikoshina, Project Management department, State University of Management Moscow, Russian Federation.

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate professor of Project Management department, State University of Management Moscow, Russian Federation.


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Como Citar

Maltseva, A., Barsukova, N., Klyushnikova, E., Gridchina, A., Kogotkova, I., & Brikoshina, I. (2020). How to improve researchers’ communication, collaboration and commercialization of R&D in regions?. Amazonia Investiga, 9(28), 365–376.


