Legal issues of protection of agricultural land in Ukraine at the present stage




Ukraine, land protection, agricultural lands, soil, land plots, agriculture.


Excessive anthropogenic pressure on land resources in Ukraine leads to a deterioration of their quality, and consequently they lose their potential. Human impact on the change of land quality can be direct (by involving land lots in use, carrying out economic activities) and indirect (as a result of such activity, enhancing the natural degradation of soils). The tendency of deterioration of the state of land resources requires the subordination of land relations to the main goal – to ensure comprehensive protection of this major national wealth of Ukraine.

Legal support for the protection of agricultural land is considered as a single complex of interdependent elements: legal standards for the protection of land, soil, agricultural landscapes, and the mechanism for their implementation – legally significant measures: economic, organizational, scientific and technical. At the same time, it was concluded that the system of legal regulation of the use of agricultural land is not sufficiently saturated with mechanisms for regulating agricultural activity.


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Biografia do Autor

Tetiana Lisova, Department of land and agrarian law, YaroslavMudryi National Law University, Kharkiv, Ukraine.

PhD, associate professor of the department of land and agrarian law, YaroslavMudryi National Law University, Kharkiv, Ukraine.

Svitlana Sharapova, Department of land and agrarianlaw, YaroslavMudryi National Law University,Kharkiv, Ukraine.

PhD, associate professor of the department of land and agrarianlaw, YaroslavMudryi National Law University,Kharkiv, Ukraine.


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Como Citar

Lisova, T., & Sharapova, S. (2020). Legal issues of protection of agricultural land in Ukraine at the present stage. Amazonia Investiga, 9(27), 209–216.


