Dynamics of assertive behavior in the social work students


  • Anton Stoykov Trakia University Stara Zagora, Bulgaria




dynamics, assertive behavior, Social Work, development


The article deals with the dynamics of assertive behavior in the Social Work students as assertiveness is one of the most important personal skills needed for the successful interaction between them and their Clients who face a difficult life situation.  The characteristics of assertiveness have been theoretically determined paying special attention to the specifics of its manifestations in the interaction between the Social Worker and the Client. On the basis of the conducted empirical study involving Social Work students, analyzed is the dynamics of their assertive behavior based on some of its main components and on their integrity as a personal quality. Considering the research results, justified is the need of including in the educational process specially elaborated programmes with a main focus on the development of assertive behavior.



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Biografia do Autor

Anton Stoykov, Trakia University Stara Zagora, Bulgaria

Associate Professor, PhD Trakia University Stara Zagora, Bulgaria


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Como Citar

Stoykov, A. (2020). Dynamics of assertive behavior in the social work students. Amazonia Investiga, 9(28), 14–21. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2020.28.04.2


