Situational and Normative Approach as a Method for Identifying and Improving Business and Personal Qualities of a Manager



Situational and normative approach, individual and psychological qualities, optimum model, real model, psychodiagnostics, psychocorrection.


Using the most capable people in a management system is a problem of the state, strategic, and social importance. The identification of business and personal qualities of applicants for senior positions, as well as the creation of a system for selection and training of managers, are among the major tasks connected with improvement of personnel policy. The so-called "scientific management" assumes the introduction of special techniques developed by sociologists and psychologists for determination of business and personal qualities of a future manager. The situational and normative approach entails taking into account the situation in a wide sense (socio-economic situation of a country) and a more specific use of this concept in the study of the manager’s personality in a specific professional environment of a particular enterprise (specific position), as well as a subjective response of the person to the influence of the external environment: to what extent the manager can (and should) not only anticipate the situation, but also control it, manage it, using the necessary and sufficient business and personal qualities.


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Biografia do Autor

Ludmila Sadovnicova, Higher School of Economics, Poznan, Poland

Higher School of Economics, Poznan, Poland

Andżej Kokiel, Higher School of Economics, Poznan, Poland

Higher School of Economics, Poznan, Poland


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Como Citar

Sadovnicova, L., & Kokiel, A. (2020). Situational and Normative Approach as a Method for Identifying and Improving Business and Personal Qualities of a Manager. Amazonia Investiga, 9(25), 153–159. Recuperado de


