The Evolution of Artificial Intelligence and the Possibility of its Application in Cyber Games




artificial intelligence, cyber games, machine learning, neural network, pattern recognition.


Artificial intelligence, as a separate field of research, is currently experiencing a boom - new methods of machine learning and hardware are emerging and improving, and the results achieved change the life of society. Machine translation, handwriting recognition, speech recognition are changing our reality. The work of creating unmanned vehicles, voice assistants and other devices using these technologies is in an active process. The article examines the historical context of the artificial intelligence development, it evaluates the possibilities of its introduction into cyber games, as a safe and effective platform for testing new methods of machine learning. The promotion of such projects can increase the reputation of development companies, ensure increased user confidence in other products and, with a competent marketing strategy, cause a significant public resonance among video game fans, providing the developer with economic profit.


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Biografia do Autor

D. Yu. Eliseeva, Russian State Social University, Moscow, Russia

Senior Teacher, Russian State Social University, Moscow, Russia

A. Yu. Fedosov, Russian State Social University, Moscow, Russia

Dr.Sc., Professor, Russian State Social University, Moscow, Russia

D. V. Agaltsova, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation Moscow, Russia

PhD, Associate Professor, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation Moscow, Russia

O. L. Mnatsakanyan, Russian State Social University, Moscow, Russia

PhD, Associate Professor, Russian State Social University, Moscow, Russia

K. K. Kuchmezov, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia

PhD, Associate Professor, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia


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Como Citar

Eliseeva, D. Y., Fedosov, A. Y., Agaltsova, D. V., Mnatsakanyan, O. L., & Kuchmezov, K. K. (2020). The Evolution of Artificial Intelligence and the Possibility of its Application in Cyber Games. Amazonia Investiga, 9(28), 123–129.


