Infrastructure of bribery in public official activity



Corruption, bribery, bribe, official crimes, infrastructure.


The article is focused on the analysis of the infrastructural components of bribery in public official activity. The term "infrastructure" comes from Latin (infra – below, under and structura – construction, placement) and means a set of components of any object that are subordinate (ancillary) character and provide conditions for the normal functioning of the object as a whole. The concept of crime infrastructure is not enough explored in legal science.The research described in the article was created using different methods of scientific research. The main method of scientific research – the dialectical method. This method allows substantiating the special role of "human", organizational-support and ideological resources in the determination of criminal behavior. The method of analysis helps to see in detail a large number of cases of bribery in public service. Further, the generalization were made regarding the general infrastructure components of bribery in the field of public service activity using the synthesis method. In addition to these methods of scientific research, the authors of the article used the methods of deduction, induction, and comparative method. The public service bribery infrastructure should be understood as a collection of "personnel", material and intangible resources, organizational forms and means that serve the illicit purchase/sale of services of public officials provide functionality and facilitate the institution of bribery. The special role of the ideological and "human" resources, as well as organizational and auxiliary resources in the determination of criminal behavior is substantiated.The introduction of measures neutralizing the infrastructural capabilities of briberyas an indirectanti-corruption strategy is proposed.


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Biografia do Autor

Viktor Tsytriak, Faculty of Public Prosecutions and Investigation of National University «Odesa Law Academy»

Ph. D., Associate Professor, Acting Dean of the Faculty of Public Prosecutions and Investigation of National University «Odesa Law Academy»

Iryna Kalinina, Department of Special Law Disciplines of Donetsk State University of Management (Mariupol)

Ph. D., Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Special Law Disciplines of Donetsk State University of Management (Mariupol)

Dariia Hurina, Department of Criminal Law, Process and Criminalistics of Private Institution of Higher Learning "European University"

Ph. D., Associate Professor Department of Criminal Law, Process and Criminalistics of Private Institution of Higher Learning "European University"


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Como Citar

Tsytriak, V., Kalinina, I., & Hurina, D. (2020). Infrastructure of bribery in public official activity. Amazonia Investiga, 9(25), 24–32. Recuperado de


