Conceptual features of the balanced development of human potential in the emerging socio-economic conditions


  • Svetlana E. Gubanova Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow, Russia

Mots-clés :

Concept of creative balance, evolutionary development, highly developed systems, HP, indicative and integrative approach, psycho-management, revolutionary development, spiritual dynamics, uncertainty.


The article is devoted to a comprehensive study of education of a creative person, focused on universal human values and capable of creative impact in a direction favourable for the world of development. For the first time in a scientific revolution there are the following terms: concept of creative balance, integrative-indicative approach to the balanced development of human potential (HP) (BDHP), management method of the BDHP (psycho-management), based on a combination of modern educational, managerial and psychological technologies.


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Biographie de l'auteur

Svetlana E. Gubanova, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow, Russia

PhD of Economics, Docent, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow, Russia


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Comment citer

Gubanova, S. E. (2019). Conceptual features of the balanced development of human potential in the emerging socio-economic conditions. Amazonia Investiga, 8(23), 656–663. Consulté à l’adresse


