Study of the effect the choice criterion reliability of the results of modeling the optimal backup system elements downhole equipment of oil wells


Mots-clés :

Downhole pumps, modeling of reserve elements, optimization of maintenance of electric submersible pumps pumping systems reliability, the distribution law of failures, maintenance system.


The paper considers the influence of the choice of the probability indicator of failure-free operation as the main parameter on the backup system of its individual elements to optimize the maintenance and repair system. The research material was data on the laws of the distribution of failures, the actual time between failures and the main causes of failures of downhole pumping equipment of production wells of the Tarasovskoye field of Rosneft-Purneftegaz company. The study showed that oil wells equipped with sucker rod pump units have greater operational reliability.

The main results of the study are the quantitative values obtained of the necessary reserve elements of pumping units at given optimal values of the probability of failure-free operation. When using the model proposed in the study for practical application in production, it is possible to carry out calculations while establishing other requirements for the optimal value of the probability of failure-free operation.


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Biographie de l'auteur

Dmitry Vladimirovich Pyalchenkov, Tyumen Industrial University, Russia

Tyumen Industrial University, Russia


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Comment citer

Pyalchenkov, D. V. (2019). Study of the effect the choice criterion reliability of the results of modeling the optimal backup system elements downhole equipment of oil wells. Amazonia Investiga, 8(23), 450–456. Consulté à l’adresse


