Problems of private property in Russia


  • Vladimir Nemtsev Samara State University of Transport Communications, Department of Theology

Mots-clés :

Property, private law, Roman law, community, Russia, ownership, reform, self-awareness, people.


The author studied the huge work done by researchers on archival materials and sources related to the history of the economic and political life of Russia in the late XIX-early XX centuries, its institutions and representatives. At the same time, the study sometimes goes beyond the accumulated experience and views of Russian scientists (M. Delyagin, V. Katasonov, M. Khazin, A. Rode and others). The relevant opinions of historians are also presented on the subject indicated in the title of the article (N. Danilevsky, Yu. Zhukov, A. Pyzhikov, etc.). One of the results of the study is a brief analysis of the work on establishing large humanitarian-production complexes. The aim of the study was to systematize theoretical approaches to control for their further application in practice. The reasons for the existence of various conceptual approaches in Russia are the uncritical study and application of controlling by experts from different fields of knowledge and the insufficient, if not competent, filling of both curricula and practices. In addition, for a long time, the specific popular perception of private property and its derivative processes in society was not appreciated. In carrying out this study, the author used the methods of structural and functional analysis, historical-comparative and problem-chronological, as well as the epistemological method. The paper systematizes the existing approaches to the classification of controlling and proposes a format that takes into account the features of the model of the controlling system. It is recommended to use the results of theoretical and methodological studies for training specialists in the field of economics and management, as well as in the real practice of large industrial enterprises.


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Biographie de l'auteur

Vladimir Nemtsev, Samara State University of Transport Communications, Department of Theology

Doctor of Philology, Professor, Samara State University of Transport Communications, Department of Theology


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Comment citer

Nemtsev, V. (2019). Problems of private property in Russia. Amazonia Investiga, 8(22), 613–619. Consulté à l’adresse


