Dialectics of night and day consciousness in the projection on the interchange of "night" and "day" periods of cultural and historical development


  • Tatiana Anatolievna Ovsyannikova Educational Institution of Higher Education "Maikop State Technological University", Russia
  • Aminet Magametovna Siiukhova Educational Institution of Higher Education "Maikop State Technological University", Russia
  • Yulia Nikolaevna Tril Educational Institution of Higher Education "Maikop State Technological University", Russia
  • Fatima Guchipsovna Lovpache Educational Institution of Higher Education "Maikop State Technological University", Russia
  • Bela Kazbekovna Pafifova Educational Institution of Higher Education "Maikop State Technological University", Russia

Mots-clés :

Acceleration of history, cultural explosion, end of history, mythological consciousness,


The article considers one of the aspects of the problem of forecasting the development of society concerned with the factor of cosmic cyclic recurrence. The authors use the interdisciplinary approach to research, based on the totality of philosophical, cultural, sociological and psychological methods. The object of consideration is the history of Western civilization; the subject is the influence of the day and night forms of the collective mythological consciousness on the interchange of the periods of cultural and historical development. Methodological approaches to defining the characteristics and markers of mythological consciousness of day and night types are considered. Based on the theoretical statements of Gilbert Durand and Vasily Pivoyev, the principle of the cyclical nature of the "night" and "day" periods of history is revealed. The problem of accelerating the interchange of the cycles of historical development and the end of human history is raised. It is shown that in the modern culture of Postmodernism, the alternation of daytime and nighttime periods is maximally accelerated, which leads to a sense of constant twilight and an early onset of the end of history. The conclusions of the study suggest that to confront the approach of a posthuman civilization, a long period of socio-cultural homeostasis, balance, the "new primitiveness" of a society under the sign of the "night" mythological consciousness, it is necessary to actualize the mechanism of intuitive vision of the future and to start a new round of history through a cultural explosion with the acquisition of the sense of value and the joy of live reality.


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Bibliographies de l'auteur

Tatiana Anatolievna Ovsyannikova, Educational Institution of Higher Education "Maikop State Technological University", Russia

Educational Institution of Higher Education "Maikop State Technological University", Russia

Aminet Magametovna Siiukhova, Educational Institution of Higher Education "Maikop State Technological University", Russia

Educational Institution of Higher Education "Maikop State Technological University", Russia

Yulia Nikolaevna Tril, Educational Institution of Higher Education "Maikop State Technological University", Russia

Educational Institution of Higher Education "Maikop State Technological University", Russia

Fatima Guchipsovna Lovpache, Educational Institution of Higher Education "Maikop State Technological University", Russia

Educational Institution of Higher Education "Maikop State Technological University", Russia

Bela Kazbekovna Pafifova, Educational Institution of Higher Education "Maikop State Technological University", Russia

Educational Institution of Higher Education "Maikop State Technological University", Russia


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Comment citer

Ovsyannikova, T. A., Siiukhova, A. M., Tril, Y. N., Lovpache, F. G., & Pafifova, B. K. (2019). Dialectics of night and day consciousness in the projection on the interchange of "night" and "day" periods of cultural and historical development. Amazonia Investiga, 8(22), 530–538. Consulté à l’adresse https://amazoniainvestiga.info/index.php/amazonia/article/view/794


