Justification of the market model in the modern russian economic discourse: dialogue –monologue


  • Svetlana M. Pozdyaeva Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology Bashkir State University Ufa, Russia
  • Eduard S. Gasanov Department of Finance and Credit Ufa State Petroleum Technological University Ufa, Russia
  • Raul R. Yarullin Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Ufa branch) Ufa, Russia.
  • Chulpan F. Gabidullina Tyumen Industrial University. Tyumen, Russia.
  • Fail M. Ibyatov State University of Management
  • Nadezhda K. Vasilieva Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin Krasnodar, Russia

Mots-clés :

Economics, sociocultural values, marketing, linguistics, transformation, modeling.


Modern science has at its disposal a number of philosophical and psychological theories devoted to the analysis of organization and self-organization, personal self-identification, inculturation, socialization, self-interpretation, and the identification of dominant features of the mentality of peoples. However, in cultural processes, the formation and development of the essence of the Russian mentality in sociocultural and natural dimensions are becoming most important today. Economics and linguistics are two areas of science that a person unites - acting and thinking (speaking). According to the definition of the famous English economist A. Marshall, the economy is "the doctrine of the normal functioning of humanity." The economy is fundamentally different from the exact and natural sciences in that it deals not with an individual, but with a member of society, subject to the influence of tradition, national mentality, and political institutions. The theoretical significance of the work is connected with the further development of the problem of the integration of sciences. The findings contribute to the expansion of existing ideas about the role of the economy in life and the language picture of the human world.


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Bibliographies de l'auteur

Svetlana M. Pozdyaeva, Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology Bashkir State University Ufa, Russia

Doctor of Philosophy. Professor of Philosophy and political sciences sub-faculty Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology Bashkir State University Ufa, Russia

Eduard S. Gasanov, Department of Finance and Credit Ufa State Petroleum Technological University Ufa, Russia

Postgraduate Student Department of Finance and Credit Ufa State Petroleum Technological University Ufa, Russia

Raul R. Yarullin, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Ufa branch) Ufa, Russia.

Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Ufa branch) Ufa, Russia.

Chulpan F. Gabidullina, Tyumen Industrial University. Tyumen, Russia.

Postgraduate Student. Tyumen Industrial University. Tyumen, Russia.

Fail M. Ibyatov, State University of Management

Candidate of Historical Sciences. Associate Professor State University of Management

Nadezhda K. Vasilieva, Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin Krasnodar, Russia

Doctor of Economics Sciences. Professor Head of the Department of Economic Analysis. Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin Krasnodar, Russia


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Comment citer

Pozdyaeva, S. M., Gasanov, E. S., Yarullin, R. R., Gabidullina, C. F., Ibyatov, F. M., & Vasilieva, N. K. (2019). Justification of the market model in the modern russian economic discourse: dialogue –monologue. Amazonia Investiga, 8(22), 394–400. Consulté à l’adresse https://amazoniainvestiga.info/index.php/amazonia/article/view/746


