Modern tools of regulation and management of enterprise’s assortment


  • Olga V. Proshkina Kazan Federal University
  • Aleksandra A. Nikolaeva Kazan Federal University

Mots-clés :

assortment, assortment policy, assortment management, the adequacy ratio of the product to the market, market demand, product, good.


The article proposes a number of tools for managing the assortment of the multinomenclature enterprise; the method of forming the assortment policy is improved. The role and importance of forming the assortment which is adequate to the market requirements and production capabilities are disclosed. Based on the results of leading economists, the necessity to formulate a comprehensive methodology for managing the assortment is concluded.
The method of forming the assortment, proposed in the article, is adapted to the modern conditions of management. The assortment policy formation is proposed to be carried out step by step, with the using accounting data and primary information which is obtained through field research and modern Internet technologies. The indexes for estimating the assortment of the production enterprise are listed. The algorithm of an estimation of adequacy of an existing assortment to market requirements and to production possibilities is described. It is proposed to compare the stage of the product life cycle with the level of return of unrealized products and the level of production equipment loading.
The integration of modern Internet technologies into the mechanism of the assortment formation is offered. The main emphasis is on calculating the coefficients of adequacy of goods to the market, corrected in real time by statistical data of the firm's website. The using of the assortment list as an instrument of assortment control at points of sale is considered.
The article is of an applied nature.


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Bibliographies de l'auteur

Olga V. Proshkina, Kazan Federal University

Kazan Federal University

Aleksandra A. Nikolaeva, Kazan Federal University

Kazan Federal University


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Comment citer

Proshkina, O. V., & Nikolaeva, A. A. (2018). Modern tools of regulation and management of enterprise’s assortment. Amazonia Investiga, 7(12), 255–260. Consulté à l’adresse


