General characteristics of the claim in the countries of the anglo-saxon and continental law


  • Nataliia Volkova Department of Civil Procedure of National University «Odesa Law Academy»
  • Valerii Prytuliak Department of Civil Procedure of National University «Odesa Law Academy»
  • Yuliia Tsal-Tsalko Department of Civil Procedure of National University «Odesa Law Academy»
  • Inna Yanitska Department of Civil Procedure of National University «Odesa Law Academy»
  • Yuliia Poliuk Department of Civil Procedure of National University «Odesa Law Academy»

Mots-clés :

The civil lawsuit, the concept of the lawsuit, nature of the lawsuit, class-action lawsuit.


The relevance of the article is to investigate the concept of lawsuits and class actions in the leading countries of the world. The object of the study is the public relations that arise when civil actions are brought in court. The subject of the study is the law of foreign countries, which define the civil lawsuit, its legal nature.
In accordance with the goals and objectives set, the basis of the methodology of the study were general scientific and special methods of knowledge of legal phenomena. The authors analyzed the legal acts of the USA, Germany, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Sweden, France, and the Netherlands.
Based on the research, the authors made conclusions about the legal nature of the lawsuit, defining the concept of the lawsuit in the acts of normative-legal acts of foreign countries. The conclusion about the status of the class-action lawsuit in foreign countries and the further improvement of the domestic class-action lawsuit was also made.


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Bibliographies de l'auteur

Nataliia Volkova, Department of Civil Procedure of National University «Odesa Law Academy»

Ph.D., Professor assistant of Department of Civil Procedure of National University «Odesa Law Academy»

Valerii Prytuliak, Department of Civil Procedure of National University «Odesa Law Academy»

Ph.D., Professor assistant of Department of Civil Procedure of National University «Odesa Law Academy»

Yuliia Tsal-Tsalko, Department of Civil Procedure of National University «Odesa Law Academy»

Ph.D., Professor assistant of Department of Civil Procedure of National University «Odesa Law Academy»

Inna Yanitska, Department of Civil Procedure of National University «Odesa Law Academy»

Ph.D., Professor assistant of Department of Civil Procedure of National University «Odesa Law Academy»

Yuliia Poliuk, Department of Civil Procedure of National University «Odesa Law Academy»

Assistant of Department of Civil Procedure of National University «Odesa Law Academy»


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Comment citer

Volkova, N., Prytuliak, V., Tsal-Tsalko, Y., Yanitska, I., & Poliuk, Y. (2019). General characteristics of the claim in the countries of the anglo-saxon and continental law. Amazonia Investiga, 8(22), 350–356. Consulté à l’adresse


