The insurance telematics as a tool to improve road safety in the context of the russian market of autoinsurance


  • O.V. Korneyko Vladivostok State University
  • K. V. Sankler Insurance company Rosgosstrakh
  • A. N. Nasyrov department "Operation of accounting systems"

Mots-clés :

Road safety, russian auto market, road accidents.


The relevance of the research is determined by the objective need for innovative technological solutions for traffic safety. The paper studies the main trends in the Russian auto market. The characteristics of the types of technological innovation in insurance. It is studied in detail the company's telematics product Raxel Telematics, which allows comprehensively influence the risks arising from the driver, such as the number of accident rate driving style, car parts wear and increased risk of the use of vehicle on the road. An attempt is made in practice to assess the effectiveness of this product in the Russian market. In particular, it was found that the number of road accidents with victims after the application of customer notification system about the need to be serviced decreased 3 times and considerably lower in relation to the global statistics. Identified the drivers of grows and barriers to the development of smart insurance in Russia. The study confirms the need for the insurance telematics in the Russian market with the aim of revitalizing the auto insurance and reduce road traffic injuries and deaths.


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Bibliographies de l'auteur

O.V. Korneyko, Vladivostok State University

Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Economics

K. V. Sankler, Insurance company Rosgosstrakh

Insurance company Rosgosstrakh, manager

A. N. Nasyrov, department "Operation of accounting systems"

Branch "Primorsky Oboronenergo", Engineer of the department "Operation of accounting systems"


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Comment citer

Korneyko, O., Sankler, K. V., & Nasyrov, A. N. (2018). The insurance telematics as a tool to improve road safety in the context of the russian market of autoinsurance. Amazonia Investiga, 7(15), 253–261. Consulté à l’adresse


