The concept and the means of agglomeration processes controlling


  • Gulia F. Galiullina Kazan Federal University;
  • Tatyana N. Mironova Kazan Federal University
  • Anatoly N. Makarov Kazan Federal University
  • Maxim M. Sharamko Kazan Federal University

Mots-clés :

Agglomeration, urban agglomeration, development potential, agglomeration processes, benchmarking


Within this article, we considered the theoretical and empirical approaches to the understanding of agglomeration processes, highlighted the main foreign and domestic paradigms for classifying territories as agglomerations, as well as studied the works of the authors who first introduced the concept of “agglomeration”. It has been found that the foreign authors most often interpret the concept according to geographical, administrative and economic approaches, while the domestic literature uses an economic-geographical appr oach. At the same time, the formation of agglomerations is based on the development potential of territories, and the agglomeration processes actively influence the factors of a territory development.
At the present stage of development of agglomerations abroad, the potential and effectiveness of the agglomeration processes based on the benchmarking research are being actively studied. At the same time, foreign scientists identify various aspects for controlling the agglomeration development process. The article highlights the problem of the lack of the agglomeration development concept in Russia at the federation level, which hampers the development of relevant documents at the regional and territorial levels. The development of this concept is proposed to begin with the scheme of regulatory and legal support for the agglomeration development. There are three interrelated stages in the proposed scheme: the development of a specific agglomeration development strategy, the creation of a scheme for its territorial planning, the formation of a comprehensive investment program for agglomeration.


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Bibliographies de l'auteur

Gulia F. Galiullina, Kazan Federal University;

Kazan Federal University;

Tatyana N. Mironova, Kazan Federal University

Kazan Federal University

Anatoly N. Makarov, Kazan Federal University

Kazan Federal University

Maxim M. Sharamko, Kazan Federal University

Kazan Federal University


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Comment citer

Galiullina, G. F., Mironova, T. N., Makarov, A. N., & Sharamko, M. M. (2018). The concept and the means of agglomeration processes controlling. Amazonia Investiga, 7(17), 328–334. Consulté à l’adresse


