The peculiarities of the market of tourist and hotel services in modern Russia


  • S. B. Boldyreva Kalmyk State University by B.B. Gorodovikov
  • D. B. Batyreva Kalmyk State University by B.B. Gorodovikov
  • B. A. Natyrova Kalmyk State University by B.B. Gorodovikov
  • D. N. Batyrev Kalmyk State UniversityB.B. Gorodovikova
  • O. A. Tsedinov Kalmyk State University by B.B. Gorodovikov.

Mots-clés :

Tourist service, tourist industry, hotel business, tourist product, tourist infrastructure.


The purpose of this article is to determine the role of tourism in socio-economic development of the economy at all levels of its development, as well as the identification of the functioning of the market of tourist and hotel services in the current economic conditions. Main research methods are: analysis and synthesis, classification and comparison. Based on the results of the analysis of the market of hotel services of Russia, we can conclude that the infrastructure of the hotel industry is not sufficiently developed.
Our research highlighted a number of factors determining the growth of technical and material base of Russia in the sphere of tourism and hotel services: the development of existing cities and the increase in the number of new cities, the growth of industry, culture and art, science, improvement of the material welfare of the population, domestic tourism.These factors should be the conditions for the development of domestic tourism, exchange, increase in the number of business travelers and vacationers.


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Bibliographies de l'auteur

S. B. Boldyreva, Kalmyk State University by B.B. Gorodovikov

Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Management, Kalmyk State University by B.B. Gorodovikov

D. B. Batyreva, Kalmyk State University by B.B. Gorodovikov

Candidate of Economics, associate Professor of the Department of State and Municipal Management and Law, Kalmyk State University by B.B. Gorodovikov

B. A. Natyrova, Kalmyk State University by B.B. Gorodovikov

Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Management, Kalmyk State University by B.B. Gorodovikov

D. N. Batyrev, Kalmyk State UniversityB.B. Gorodovikova

Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor of Civil Law and Process, Kalmyk State UniversityB.B. Gorodovikova

O. A. Tsedinov, Kalmyk State University by B.B. Gorodovikov.

Candidate of Economics, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Management, Kalmyk State University by B.B. Gorodovikov.


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Comment citer

Boldyreva, S. B., Batyreva, D. B., Natyrova, B. A., Batyrev, D. N., & Tsedinov, O. A. (2018). The peculiarities of the market of tourist and hotel services in modern Russia. Amazonia Investiga, 7(17), 150–164. Consulté à l’adresse


