Family welfare as a basis of fighting crime


  • Rustam Zaurbekovich Abdulgaziev North Caucasus Federal University
  • Tatyana Gennadyevna Zhukova North Caucasus Federal University
  • Anastasiya Nikolaevna Sukhorukova Russian Technological University in Stavropol
  • Viktor Nikolaevich Mamichev Russian Technological University in Stavropol
  • Albert Sergeevich Arshinov Russian Technological University in Stavropol
  • Magomed Ruslanovich Alsultanov Russian Technological University in Stavropol

Mots-clés :

Criminological research, juvenile delinquency, determinants of crimes, crime prevention measures.


This article presents the results of a criminological study of juvenile delinquency conditions predetermined by the social environment in which they grow up. The formation of antisocial characteristics of the personality begins in childhood, and the older a person gets, the more difficult it is to correct their criminal attitudes. On the basis of the fact that a happy family is the basis of the moral education of the child, a necessary condition for their behavior respectful of the law, a system of prevention of crimes for minors must be built. The main determinants of the delinquent behavior of the child in the modern world are considered: family problems, the inequality of the socioeconomic situation of the families, even in relation to the availability and quality of various social services in the field of education and leisure, and the free dissemination of information that represents a threat to the child's normal mental development.
In many ways, the elimination of these factors that affect the child's criminal behavior depends on the preventive measures implemented by the state. Based on the analysis of the socio-economic programs carried out in the last decade in Russia, the article identifies the most effective measures to reduce juvenile delinquency.


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Bibliographies de l'auteur

Rustam Zaurbekovich Abdulgaziev, North Caucasus Federal University

Candidate of Juridical Sciences (Ph.D.), Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Criminal Law and Procedure, Law Institute, North Caucasus Federal University

Tatyana Gennadyevna Zhukova, North Caucasus Federal University

Candidate of Juridical Sciences (Ph.D.), Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Criminal Law and Procedure, Law Institute, North Caucasus Federal University

Anastasiya Nikolaevna Sukhorukova, Russian Technological University in Stavropol

Assistant Professor at the Department of History and Theory of State and Law, MIREA – Russian Technological University in Stavropol

Viktor Nikolaevich Mamichev, Russian Technological University in Stavropol

Candidate of Juridical Sciences (Ph.D.), Associate Professor at the Department of History and Theory of State and Law, MIREA – Russian Technological University in Stavropol

Albert Sergeevich Arshinov, Russian Technological University in Stavropol

Senior Lecturer at the Department of Criminal Law and Procedure , MIREA – Russian Technological University in Stavropol

Magomed Ruslanovich Alsultanov, Russian Technological University in Stavropol

Senior Lecturer at the Department of Criminal Law and Procedure , MIREA – Russian Technological University in Stavropol


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Comment citer

Abdulgaziev, R. Z., Zhukova, T. G., Sukhorukova, A. N., Mamichev, V. N., Arshinov, A. S., & Alsultanov, M. R. (2018). Family welfare as a basis of fighting crime. Amazonia Investiga, 7(17), 143–149. Consulté à l’adresse


