Revival of the system of consumer cooperation in Russia; sustainable development of the territory and growth of quality life


  • Viktoriya I. Tinyakova Russian State Social University
  • Natalia I. Morozova Volgograd Cooperative Institute (branch) of the Russian University of Cooperation
  • Viktor K. Gunin Volgograd State University
  • Olga I. Kireeva Russian State Social University

Mots-clés :

Human resources, cooperation system, consumer, quality of life, labor reserve, regional system.


The system of consumer cooperation has a certain potential in solving national problems related to the provision of employment and the quality of life of the population, as well as to the social reorganization of the village. The study shows that the cooperative system is characterized by the complementarity of traits (social and economic), the dialectical interaction of which serves as the basis for the formation of civil society (self-organization and voluntary cooperation of shareholders in the process of production and economic activity) and a peculiar locomotive of the evolution of society towards building socially-oriented market economy (non-commercial nature of activities and humanistic values). However, the emerging trend of losing the competitive positions of the consumer cooperative system in the regional consumer markets in Russia leads to an awareness of the need for institutional changes that would make it possible to fully utilize the economic and social potential of the development of consumer cooperation in the context of the structural transformation of Russian society. The authors offer practical recommendations on the design and formation of effective forms of management of economic entities in the cooperative sector. Complex nature of the economic resource requires its inclusion in the correlation algorithm of proactive management. Simulation of sustainable innovation development of the regional system of consumer cooperation is possible only using optimization-qualimetric modeling on the platform of the software product. Computer technologies create objective opportunities for creating the required model. The integrated computer space is able to rework the network of mathematical matrices, building a complete life cycle of an economic resource, consisting not only of collecting and analyzing information, but also the possibility of making operational management decisions.


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Bibliographies de l'auteur

Viktoriya I. Tinyakova, Russian State Social University

Russian State Social University

Natalia I. Morozova, Volgograd Cooperative Institute (branch) of the Russian University of Cooperation

Volgograd Cooperative Institute (branch) of the Russian University of Cooperation

Viktor K. Gunin, Volgograd State University

Volgograd State University

Olga I. Kireeva, Russian State Social University

Russian State Social University


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Comment citer

Tinyakova, V. I., Morozova, N. I., Gunin, V. K., & Kireeva, O. I. (2019). Revival of the system of consumer cooperation in Russia; sustainable development of the territory and growth of quality life. Amazonia Investiga, 8(18), 351–358. Consulté à l’adresse


