Special aspects of digital information acquisition on the Internet used in criminal investigations and personal data analysis


  • Nina V. OLINDER Togliatti State University, Rusia.
  • Vera V. ROMANOVA Togliatti State University, Rusia.
  • Ilmira Z. TOVYSHEVA Bashkir State University, Rusia.
  • Stanislav V. YUNOSHEV Togliatti State University, Rusia.
  • Evgeniya A. GAMBAROVA Samara National Research University (Samara University), Rusia.

Mots-clés :

social networking, security and privacy, crime investigation, cyber-investigation, personality, digital evidence.


The article describes the course and results of the social experiment, which was conducted on the basis of the scientific and educational laboratory of criminology and forensic examinations of the Samara University (2017/2018 academic year) and the criminalistics laboratory of the Department of Criminal Law and Process of Togliatti State University (2018/2019 academic year). The purpose of the experiment was to compare the effectiveness of various ways of obtaining information about a person (oral survey, gathering information on the Internet) to select the method of collecting information that is optimal in time and labor. For this, it was proposed to different groups of participants in the experiment to collect information about certain individuals according to the set parameters by conducting a traditional survey and by analyzing profiles in social networks. As a result of the study, the difficulties of the prospects for using social networks in forensic science are identified, a range of information that users prefer not to share about themselves has been identified, a work method has been developed for law enforcement officials of the CIS countries with social networks in Runet space.



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Bibliographies de l'auteur

Nina V. OLINDER, Togliatti State University, Rusia.

PhD in Law, associate professor, the Head of Constitutional and Administrative Law Department, Togliatti State

Vera V. ROMANOVA, Togliatti State University, Rusia.

PhD in Law, associate professor of Constitutional and Administrative Law Department, Togliatti State University

Ilmira Z. TOVYSHEVA, Bashkir State University, Rusia.

PhD in Economics, associate professor, Department of Government, Bashkir State University

Stanislav V. YUNOSHEV, Togliatti State University, Rusia.

PhD in Law, associate professor, the Head of Criminal Law and Procedure Department, Togliatti State University

Evgeniya A. GAMBAROVA, Samara National Research University (Samara University), Rusia.

OOO Pravovoye pole, in-house counsel, Department of Criminal Procedure and Forensic Science, Samara National Research University (Samara University)


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Comment citer

OLINDER, N. V., ROMANOVA, V. V., TOVYSHEVA, I. Z., YUNOSHEV, S. V., & GAMBAROVA, E. A. (2019). Special aspects of digital information acquisition on the Internet used in criminal investigations and personal data analysis. Amazonia Investiga, 8(19), 491–499. Consulté à l’adresse https://amazoniainvestiga.info/index.php/amazonia/article/view/257


