The evolution of 'Nation' concept and its relevance for contemporary historical moment



Mots-clés :

nation, aristocracy, estate, society, unification, function, culture, politics, values.


Understanding the evolution of the concept of "nation" is crucial in comprehending the shifting dynamics of identity, national policy, and global interactions. By tracing the historical development of this concept, from its early origins to its contemporary manifestations, the article aims to shed light on how the idea of the Nation has transformed and adapted to social, political, and ideological changes. The retrospective analysis of 'national' discourse makes possible to demonstrate how the Nation concept expanded its content during the recent centuries. The philosophical and historical study of the Nation provided in the article, and its research from the functional and axiological standpoints, drives us to make a few general assumptions: Nation still can be that kind of mobilizing force that helps unite people in resistance to external aggression; the concept of Nation presumably does not have enough resources to influence the highly developed countries, but still preserves its potential to transform the societies in the developing countries. Some findings and insights presented in this article may contribute into further theoretical research, as well as policy development, and a deeper understanding of the role of nations in an increasingly interconnected world.



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Bibliographies de l'auteur

Oleksandr Stovpets, Odessa National Maritime University, Ukraine.

Doctor Hab. in Philosophical Sciences, Professor of the Social & Humanitarian Studies department, Odessa National Maritime University, Ukraine.

Yevhen Borinshtein, “South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushynsky”, Ukraine.

Doctor Hab. in Philosophical Sciences, professor, Head of the department of Philosophy, Sociology and Management of sociocultural activities, the state institution “South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushynsky”, Ukraine.

Viacheslav Rubskyi, Odessa National Maritime University, Ukraine.

Doctor Hab. in Philosophical Sciences, practicing psychologist, professor of the Practical Psychology department, Odessa National Maritime University, Ukraine.

Ihor Shpachynskyi, Mykolaiv National University named after V. Sukhomlynskiy, Ukraine.

PhD in Philosophical Sciences, associate professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, Mykolaiv National University named after V. Sukhomlynskiy, Ukraine.

Iryna Soloviova, Odessa National Maritime University, Ukraine.

PhD in Philosophical Sciences, associate professor of the Philosophy department, Odessa National Maritime University, Ukraine.

Pavlo Kozlenko, Chairman of Board Odesa Holocaust Research Center, Ukraine.

PhD in Philosophical Sciences, Chairman of Board Odesa Holocaust Research Center, Ukraine.


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Comment citer

Stovpets, O., Borinshtein, Y., Rubskyi, V., Shpachynskyi, I., Soloviova, I., & Kozlenko, P. (2023). The evolution of ’Nation’ concept and its relevance for contemporary historical moment. Amazonia Investiga, 12(67), 293–304.


