The artist’s biography in the postmodernism epoch



Mots-clés :

biography, master, the Postmodernism, historical epochs, European culture.


The objective of the article is to analyze the genesis and age transformation of the artist’s biography; to distinguish the role of a creative personality’s chronicle in the late 21st century; to justify its significant role implementing the anthropological concepts of the period. Research methodology: systemic – by comprehensive solution of the research issues with the involvement of science and methodological elaborations of humanitarian study; culture studies – by identifying the mutual relations between public and spiritual processes; historical – by the grasp of the specifics of the chronicle’s establishment and development; comparative – by comparing the biographies of various centuries; analytical – by considering sources in accordance with the publication issue; theoretical generalization – by summarizing the research results. The article is dedicated to considering the artist’s biography of the Postmodernism epoch. The Postmodernism synthesized elaborations of the preceding eras and on that basis altered the established views on the chronicle’s essence. The genre obtains new functions, i.e. communicative, civilizational, synergetic, etc.; it reveals the era’s controversies having occurred due to the lack of moral ideals, ethics and aesthetics canons and personified leaders. The key task of the biography is realizing the macrocosm structure through recognizing the microcosm of a non-ordinary profile.


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Bibliographies de l'auteur

Lesia Mykulanynets, Mukachevo State University, Mukachevo, Ukraine.

PhD in Arts, Associate professor of preschool and special education department of Mukachevo State University, Mukachevo, Ukraine.

Myroslava Zhyshkovych, Lviv M. Lysenko National Music Academy, Lviv, Ukraine.

PhD in Arts, Professor, Head of Department Solo singing, Lviv M. Lysenko National Music Academy, Lviv, Ukraine.

Oksana Bassa, Lviv M. Lysenko National Music Academy, Lviv, Ukraine.

PhD in Arts, Associate professor, Head of Department of PianoAccompaniment, Lviv M. Lysenko National Music Academy, Lviv, Ukraine.

Olena Ksondzyk, Lviv M. Lysenko National Music Academy, Lviv, Ukraine.

Senior lecturer of Department of of Piano Accompaniment, Lviv M. Lysenko National Music Academy, Lviv, Ukraine.


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Comment citer

Mykulanynets, L., Zhyshkovych, M., Bassa, O., & Ksondzyk, O. (2023). The artist’s biography in the postmodernism epoch. Amazonia Investiga, 12(65), 10–19.


