Establishment of international legal regulation on the criminal-legal combat against domestic violence



Mots-clés :

domestic violence, international protection, criminal law countermeasures, international legal regulation, crime.


The issue of combating domestic violence is one of the most important in today's conditions, both in Ukraine and throughout the world, because violence (including domestic violence) is recognized as violating human rights. In order to improve the situation and implement mechanisms for combating domestic violence at the international level, a system of the international legal protection of the rights of victims of domestic violence and combating domestic violence has been created. The purpose of the work is to assess and study the provisions of international legal acts aimed at combating domestic violence. The research methodology is a complex of methods: historical, comparative-legal, descriptive, systemic-structural, dogmatic, sociological and modeling, induction and deduction, and philosophical method. An analysis of the features of the emergence and development of international legal regulation in the field of combating domestic violence was carried out, in particular, the system and features of individual international acts regarding the detection and response to cases of domestic violence are considered. Also, the criminal law regulations regulating the fight against domestic violence were analyzed. Attention is drawn to the development and experience of the criminal-legal response to domestic violence in the international community and its transformation in modern conditions. The possible directions of the development of international legal regulation regarding the criminal legal response to domestic violence in Ukraine and the world have been determined.


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Bibliographies de l'auteur

Oksana Stepanenko, National University «Odessa Law Academy», Ukraine.

Ph. D., Associate Professor of Department of Criminal Law of National University «Odessa Law Academy», Ukraine.

Аndriy Stepanenko, National University «Odessa Law Academy», Ukraine.

Ph. D., Associate Professor of Department of Criminal Procedure, Detective and Search Activities of National University «Odessa Law Academy», Ukraine.

Vitalii Boichenko, National University «Odessa Law Academy», Ukraine.

Ph. D., Associate Professor of Department of Criminal Law of National University «Odessa Law Academy», Ukraine.

Oleksandra Pavlova, National University «Odessa Law Academy», Ukraine.

Assistant Professor of Department of Criminal Law of National University «Odessa Law Academy», Ukraine.


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Comment citer

Stepanenko, O., Stepanenko А., Boichenko, V., & Pavlova, O. (2023). Establishment of international legal regulation on the criminal-legal combat against domestic violence. Amazonia Investiga, 12(63), 198–205.


