Organizational and legal provision of the control function of the local self-government body in conditions of sustainable development



Mots-clés :

local self-government bodies, sustainable development, functions of the local self-government body, financial control.


The article discusses the issue of organizational and legal support of the control function of the local self-government body in the conditions of sustainable development in Ukraine. The functions of local self-government in Ukraine were outlined. The essence of the control function of local self-government bodies has been studied. The authors performed an analysis of the legislation defining the control powers of local self-government bodies and carried out its relationship with the goals of sustainable development. The purpose of this article is to define and characterize the control function of the local self-government body and its relationship with the goals of sustainable development. Various methods were used in the article, namely: historical method, method of documentary analysis, formal-legal, system-structural. Thus, with the help of the system-structural method, information on the relationship between the legally defined functions of local self-government bodies and the goals of sustainable development was systematized, which contributed to increasing the complexity, systematicity and completeness of the research. Thanks to this, it was possible to conclude that after the reform of the local self-government institute, which consisted in decentralization, the local self-government bodies gained additional control powers, which, as a result, strengthened sustainable development in the localities.


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Bibliographies de l'auteur

Tamara Chernadchuk, Sumy National Agrarian University, Ukraine.

Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Administrative and Information Law of the Sumy National Agrarian University, Ukraine.

Inna Kozachok, Sumy National Agrarian University, Ukraine.

PhD-student of the Department of Administrative and Information Law of the Sumy National Agrarian University, Ukraine.

Dmytro Maletov, Sumy State University, Ukraine.

PhD in Law, Department of Criminal Legal Disciplines and Procedure, Sumy State University, Ukraine.

Viktoriia Pankratova, Sumy State University, Ukraine.

PhD, Department of Fundamental Jurisprudence and Constitutional Law, Sumy State University, Ukraine.

Alina Steblianko, Sumy State University, Ukraine.

PhD in law, Assistant of the Department of Fundamental Jurisprudence and Constitutional Law, Sumy State University, Ukraine.


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Comment citer

Chernadchuk, T., Kozachok, I., Maletov, D., Pankratova, V., & Steblianko, A. (2023). Organizational and legal provision of the control function of the local self-government body in conditions of sustainable development. Amazonia Investiga, 12(62), 258–272.


