From a commodity to addiction: Are mobile phones valuable commodities or sources of addiction for freshman students?



Mots-clés :

Mobile phone use, simile, addiction, mobile phone dependence.


Mobile phone use has increased exponentially on a global scale in all segments of society since the rise of the first mobile phones in 1970s. Although a wealth of research has been conducted to measure the effects of mobile phones on individuals, a few studies have been carried out to make a connection between similes and mobile phone use.  In this respect, this study examined habits of students on mobile phone use through similes at a private university located in Erbil, Iraq. Students employed food, drink, household items and people to illustrate their mobile phone dependence rate. A questionnaire, a survey and an interview were adopted to gather data. The data which were collected by employing a mixed method design were analyzed through MAXODA software program and SPSS 25. The findings of the study uncover that mobile phone are indispensable in their lives with varying reasons to take advantage of them. Additionally, students have unsubtle plans to reduce their daily usage by channeling their energy to social activities. The findings of this study can have some implications to acknowledge negative points of mobile phone use and adopt realistic strategies to break mobile phone addiction on adults systematically.


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Bibliographies de l'auteur

Saban Kara, Tishk International University, Erbil, Iraq.

Ma, Instructor, English Language Teaching Department, Faculty of Education, Tishk International University, Erbil, Iraq.

Yunus Yildiz, Tishk International University, Erbil, Iraq.

Ph.D., Assistant Professor, English Language Teaching Department, Faculty of Education, Tishk International University, Erbil, Iraq.


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Comment citer

Kara, S., & Yildiz, Y. (2022). From a commodity to addiction: Are mobile phones valuable commodities or sources of addiction for freshman students?. Amazonia Investiga, 11(56), 196–209.


