Dynamics of criminal law and process in conditions of special legal regimes




Mots-clés :

special legal regime, legal regime of martial law, armed aggression, criminalization, national security, pre-trial investigation, criminal proceedings.


The research is aimed at identifying the main legislative changes made under the conditions of a special legal regime, within the criminal law and criminal process and its impact on the general dynamics of the regulation of relevant social relations. Thus, under the conditions of the introduction of a special legal regime of martial law on the territory of Ukraine, the issues of improving the existing criminal and criminal procedural legislation, criminalizing certain acts, and simplifying the relevant procedural actions that reflect modern legal realities and meet the challenges and needs of the state and society have become urgent. The purpose of the work is to identify certain fundamental changes in criminal and criminal procedural legislation, which embody the dynamics of criminal law and process, as well as determine their further vector of development. The methodological basis of the work consists of the following methods: dialectical, functional, axiological, system-structural analysis method, and generalization method. The result of the study was proof of the existence of positive dynamics of criminal law and the criminal process in the conditions of a special legal regime. Despite the difficult time for Ukrainian statehood, Ukraine continues to improve the regulation of social relations within the framework of criminal law and process following the needs of society and the needs of the state, and also actively and effectively carries out a rule-making policy taking into account the prospects of the development of criminal law and process.


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Bibliographies de l'auteur

Daria Balobanova, Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, Ukraine.

Doctor of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, Ukraine.

Iryna Hazdayka-Vasylyshyn, Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, Ukraine.

Ph. D., Associate Professor, Head of the Department of criminal law and criminology of the Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, Ukraine.

Ruslan Shekhavtsov, Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, Ukraine.

Ph. D., Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Procedure and Forensics of Faculty No. 1 of the Institute for Training Specialists for National Police Units of the Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, Ukraine.

Oleksiy Avramenko, Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, Ukraine.

Ph. D., Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Procedure and Forensics of Faculty No. 1 of the Institute for Training Specialists for National Police Units of the Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, Ukraine.

Nataliya Lashchuk, Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, Ukraine.

Ph. D., Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Criminal Law Disciplines of the Institute of Law, Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, Ukraine.


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Comment citer

Balobanova, D., Hazdayka-Vasylyshyn, I., Shekhavtsov, R., Avramenko, O., & Lashchuk, N. (2022). Dynamics of criminal law and process in conditions of special legal regimes. Amazonia Investiga, 11(54), 208–218. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2022.54.06.20


