Cultural bases of the national system of education: modern tendencies and factors of development



Mots-clés :

national system of education, culturology, influence, current trends.


The article analyzes the culturological features of the national education system. Particular attention is paid to defining the importance of environmental education. The paper also describes the influence of the education system on the formation of multicultural, national-patriotic, environmental competencies. The study is formed on the basis of the use of both general theoretical methods and the use of special pedagogical methods: observation, specification, modeling. Using the historical method of research, the article traces the peculiarities of the interpretation of culture from the XIX century. to the present. Some attention in the work is focused on empirical methods of collecting and interpreting information. The results emphasize that the culturological foundations of the national education system need further study. This is due to modern paradigms of development of world cultural science, new digital technologies, the peculiarities of the functioning of modern polyethnic communities. In addition, the national system of education in the cultural spirit influences the formation of environmental competencies by educating a tolerant and democratic attitude to the world. Awareness and intolerance of society to non-environmental behavior affect the transformation of the environmental situation in general. Children who have received a thorough environmental education begin to actively promote the ecological way of life in adult life. In addition, children, in contrast to adults, have a greater increase in intolerance to environmental crimes.


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Bibliographies de l'auteur

Olha Mazurkevich, Vinnytsia Institute of Clothing Design and Entrepreneurship, Ukraine.

Candidate of Cultural Studies, Associate Professor Head of the educational Vinnytsia Institute of Clothing Design and Entrepreneurship, Department of Tehnology and Design of Garments, Ukraine.

Victoria Tkachenko, I.P. Kotlyarevsky Kharkov National University of Arts, Ukraine.

PhD in Art Studies, Associate Professor of the Department of Folk Instruments of Ukraine I.P. Kotlyarevsky Kharkov National University of Arts, orchestral faculty, Department of Folk Instruments of Ukraine Constitution Square, Ukraine.

Serhii Kharkov, Kyiv Zoological Park, Ukraine.

Postgraduate Deputy CEO (Deputy General director) Kyiv Zoological Park, Ukraine.

Tatiana Voropayeva, National University of Kyiv, Ukraine.

Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor senior researcher at the Center for Ukrainian Studies Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Faculty of  Philosophy, Center for Ukrainian Studies, Ukraine.

Oksana Mosendz, Kiev National University of  Culture and Arts, Ukraine.

Lecture The Department of Art Studies, Kiev National University of  Culture and Arts, Dnipro Faculty 9 Mykhailo Hrushevsky St., Dnipro, Ukraine.


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Comment citer

Mazurkevich, O., Tkachenko, V., Kharkov, S., Voropayeva, T., & Mosendz, O. (2022). Cultural bases of the national system of education: modern tendencies and factors of development. Amazonia Investiga, 11(53), 146–154.


