Identification, Classification, and Application of Mental Fitness Components in Sports Field



Mots-clés :

Mental fitness, Physical Fitness, Physical education, Psychomotor skills, sports training, Northern Border University.


The study aimed to assess the impact of mental fitness factors on the development of physical, health, psychological, and social abilities on a group of students’ athletes at Northern Border University, where mental fitness plays major role to enhance athletes’ abilities in the sports field. The researcher used a descriptive analysis method approach; where constructed survey questionnaire applied for data collection, which used to measure the impact of mental fitness standards on the development of athletes' physical, psychological, and social abilities in Northern Border University. Sample was randomly selected of students’ athletes’ population at Northern Border University, they comprised of (91) male and female students. Result indicated a high statistically significant of agreement among the participants in the study on the importance of mental fitness in enhancing and developing each of physical, psychological, and social abilities, and all the main and sub-items were characterized by the importance and high degree to achieve the objectives of the study. The study also recommended the need to disseminate mental fitness standards among all university student-athletes, with the development of a permanent plan to develop mental fitness standards among university students, and the need to support the university and the Ministry of Higher Education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for various studies on the role of mental fitness in promoting and developing physical, psychological, and social abilities.


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Biographie de l'auteur

Ahmed M. Alsentali, Northern Border University, Saudi Arabia.

Assistant Professor of Sport Psychology-Department of General Courses – Faculty of Education and Arts, Northern Border University, Saudi Arabia.


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Comment citer

Alsentali, A. M. (2022). Identification, Classification, and Application of Mental Fitness Components in Sports Field. Amazonia Investiga, 11(52), 86–95.


