Development of strategic mechanisms for high-tech enterprises in the digital economy environment



Mots-clés :

strategic management, digital ecosystems, technological transformation, digital economy, economic systems.


The article is devoted to the development of conceptual provisions and recommendations for the development of strategic mechanisms for the work of high-tech enterprises in order to form an effective leadership strategy in the digital economy. The methodological basis of the study is based on the use of fundamental concepts, publications of modern specialists and scientists on the problems of digitalization. We used such scientific techniques and methods as: synthesis, comparative analysis, systemic and structural approach and method of expert assessments. The theoretical basis of the study was made up of scientific works of foreign and Russian scientists in the field of organizing strategic management, developing strategies and mechanisms for the development of enterprises operating in various sectors of the economy and conducting digital transformation. The process of client-oriented management is considered from the perspective of ecosystem development, which made it possible to form a set of rules for the effective construction and management of ecosystems. The author proposes a model of a roadmap necessary for developing a leadership strategy; the central element of the proposed map is a business model modified based on the synthesis of digital technologies.


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Biographie de l'auteur

Andrey A. Sazonov, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow, Russia.

PhD in Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow, Russia.


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Comment citer

Sazonov, A. A. (2022). Development of strategic mechanisms for high-tech enterprises in the digital economy environment. Amazonia Investiga, 11(49), 136–148.


