Specific features of intersemiotic translation of symbols from the perspective of conceptual and semiotic paradigm




Mots-clés :

intersemiotic translation, source text, film adaptation, techniques of symbol rendering.


The text of the novel “Inferno” written by Dan Brown and its film adaptation, provide the material for the analysis of symbols and their importance in both art forms. This analysis, which rests on the thesis of the conceptual nature of symbols in any literary text, is made in conceptual and semantic fields, and the concepts denoted by the analyzed symbols are pointed out. Given that the text of the source novel is abundant in symbols of various degrees of textual importance, not all of them were subject of research in this paper. The basic symbol of the source text, the Inferno, was singled out, as well as a number of symbols embodied by novel and film personages. In the research, frequent techniques of intersemiotic translations were analyzed as concerns their role in symbol rendering: omission, typical of the studied case of intersemiotic translation, which can be combined with the technique of addition. In the latter case, the degree of expressive force of the symbol can be considerably altered. The greatest shift in the degree of importance of a symbol is named ‘symbol transformation’, it is observed when symbols (in the given case, symbolic personages of the source text) lose their expressive force and the features of a symbol, i.e., in the process of intersemiotic translation these symbols are lost. The suggested model of analysis can be applied in other cases of intersemiotic translation, and other techniques, together with their combinations, can be found.


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Biographie de l'auteur

Natalia Holubenko, Kyiv National Linguistic University, Ukraine.

PhD (Philology), Associate Professor, Korunets Department of English and German Philology and Translation, Kyiv National Linguistic University, Ukraine.


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Comment citer

Holubenko, N. (2021). Specific features of intersemiotic translation of symbols from the perspective of conceptual and semiotic paradigm. Amazonia Investiga, 10(47), 263–270. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2021.47.11.27


