Methodology for rationing the fuel consumption of the PAZ-320412 bus



Mots-clés :

acceleration, deceleration, driving cycle, experiment, fuel consumption, suburban buses.


The article analyzes suburban bus transportation with specific routes in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). For the experimental study, the route No. 101, «Yakutsk – Tabaga» with a total length of 31 km was chosen. The schedule of buses of Municipal Unitary Enterprise «Yakut Passenger Transport Company (YAPAK)» on the suburban route is shown. The basic technical data of the bus PAZ-320412 was studied. In accordance with international regulations for the buses, the determination of fuel consumption and specific emissions of normalized toxic components is carried out using a riding cycle on running drums. For the calculation of fuel consumption, the technique of modeling of indicators of work of the engine which provide change of traction and speed characteristics of the car according to the set driving cycle was used. Finally, the results of the calculated fuel consumption for the NEDC driving cycle are compared with experimental data. As a comparison of the calculated and theoretical fuel consumption data with practical data, the Cummins engine type Cummins ISF 3.8 is considered. This internal combustion engine is installed on a PAZ-320412  bus. Experimental data on the fuel consumption of this bus per 100 km. showed 48 nm3, and theoretical calculations of bus fuel consumption per 100 km. by the proposed method showed 42 nm3. Therefore, to assess the traction and speed properties of the bus, the proposed combined method can be used which allows one to obtain calculation of fuel consumption which is closer to the experimental data on a driving cycle. Using the source data of the vehicle, effective engine performance indicators are evaluated. A calculation method is proposed for modeling a test, and experimental driving cycle of automobile transport with a total mass of more than five tons is suggested.


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Bibliographies de l'auteur

Nikolay Vadimovich Petrov, Arctic State Agrotechnological University (Oktem branch), Yakutsk, Russia.

Ph.D., Associate Professor, of the Department of Operation of Road Transport and Car Service, Faculty of Road construction, «North-Eastern Federal University named after M. K. Ammosov» Yakutsk, Russia; Arctic State Agrotechnological University (Oktem branch), Yakutsk, Russia.

Maria Mikhailovna Evseeva, Arctic State Agrotechnological University (Oktem branch), Yakutsk, Russia.

Senior lecturer of the Department «Mechanization of Agricultural Production», Arctic State Agrotechnological University (Oktem branch), Yakutsk, Russia.

Nadezhda Sergeevna Khiterkheeva, Banzarov Buryat State University, Ulan-Ude, Russia.

Associate Professor, Head of the Department «Mechanization of Agricultural Production», Arctic State Agrotechnological University (Oktem branch), Yakutsk, Russia; Banzarov Buryat State University, Ulan-Ude, Russia.

Daba Nimaevich Radnaev, Arctic State Agrotechnological University (Oktem branch), Yakutsk, Russia.

Professor of the Department «Mechanization of agricultural processes», Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Buryat State Agriculture Academy named after V.R.Philippov», Ulan-Ude, Russia; Arctic State Agrotechnological University (Oktem branch), Yakutsk, Russia.

Nikolay Ilyich Moshkin, Russian Academy of Sciences, Ulan-Ude, Russia.

Professor of the Department of the  Buryat Scientific Center Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ulan-Ude, Russia.


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Comment citer

Petrov, N. V., Evseeva, M. M., Khiterkheeva, N. S., Radnaev, D. N., & Moshkin, N. I. (2021). Methodology for rationing the fuel consumption of the PAZ-320412 bus. Amazonia Investiga, 10(47), 107–115.


