Socio-psychological features and legal norms of the life of adolescents from distant families of labor migrants



Mots-clés :

socio-psychological features, legal norms, distant family, emotional sphere, psychotherapy, psychological consultancy.


The article considers the distant family as a social institution of education, formation and development of personality. The current state of solving the problem of socio-psychological and legal work with children from distant families is analyzed.

The sample of the study is described in detail by family type, sex, absence of father / mother and duration of absence. The peculiarities of the functioning of the emotional sphere of adolescents from distant families (anxiety, aggression, hostility), low level of socio-psychological adaptation, low level of emotional well-being in the family have been experimentally determined. The relationship between the degree of socio-psychological adaptation of the adolescent’s personality and emotional states is proved. The dependence of gender differences in the functioning of the family and the emotional sphere of adolescents has been established. The types of groups of adolescents from distant families are determined, in particular: anxious, aggressive-anxious, hostile-anxious, aggressive-hostile, absence of manifestation of negative signs.

A structural and functional model of social and psychological support of remote families has been developed, which provides for work with adolescents and their parents with the use of special technologies to ensure the effectiveness of conditions that form harmonious family relationships.


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Bibliographies de l'auteur

Zoriana Kovalchuk, Lviv State University of internal affairs, Lviv, Ukraine.

Doctor of psychological sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Theoretical Psychology department, Institute of Management, Psychology and Security, Lviv State University of internal affairs, Lviv, Ukraine.

Yana Raievska, Ukrainian State Employment Service Training Institute, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Department of Psychology, Ukrainian State Employment Service Training Institute, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Liudmіla Beheza, Ukrainian State Employment Service Training Institute, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Department of Psychology, Ukrainian State Employment Service Training Institute, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Iryna Ievtushenko, Ukrainian State Employment Service Training Institute, Kyiv, Ukraine.

PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Ukrainian State Employment Service Training Institute, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Halyna Odyntsova, Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, Lviv, Ukraine.

Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Head of the Practical Psychology Department, Institute of Management, Psychology and Security, Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, Lviv, Ukraine.


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Comment citer

Kovalchuk, Z., Raievska, Y., Beheza, L., Ievtushenko, I., & Odyntsova, H. (2021). Socio-psychological features and legal norms of the life of adolescents from distant families of labor migrants. Amazonia Investiga, 10(46), 79–91.


