Concept and features of religious marriage


  • Oksana Safonchyk
  • Kateryna Hlyniana
  • Oleksandr Melnyk
  • Dmytro Pliushko

Mots-clés :

Marital legal relations, marriage, religious marriages, family law.


The urgency of the research of the topic of the article is that according to the legislation of Ukraine the marriage ceremony is not the basis for the occurrence of rights and duties of a spouse to a woman and a husband, except for cases when the religious ritual of marriage took place before the creation or restoration of state bodies of registration of acts of civil status. The object of the research article was the problem of recognition of religious marriage at the state level. The authors argue that the state could recognize religious marriages as evidence and a form of detection and recognition of mutual responsibilities between a man and a woman who, for whatever reason, did not register their marriage with the state body of the National Civil Registration Authority, but live by one family and act in the interests of children. The article states that in many countries a religious marriage has the same legitimate power as the marriage registered with the relevant state authorities.
The authors of the article in the conclusions suggest amending the legislation of Ukraine to recognize a religious marriage as valid, with the condition that the spouse will subsequently register it in the state bodies of the National Civil Registration Authority. Subsequent registration shall take place not later than five years after the marriage was made through a religious rite during the period of the status of the temporarily occupied territories, or not later than two years after the abolition of the status of the temporarily occupied territories.


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Comment citer

Safonchyk, O., Hlyniana, K., Melnyk, O., & Pliushko, D. (2019). Concept and features of religious marriage. Amazonia Investiga, 8(20), 468–476. Consulté à l’adresse


