Counteraction to offenses committed with the use of electronic payment systems: new challenges and problems



Mots-clés :

electronic payment system, cybercrime, crime prevention, electronic payment.


Legal, organizational and technical issues of the current state of crime prevention in the field of electronic payment systems in different countries and in Ukraine are considered. The following methods were used in the article: dialectical, documentary analysis, analytical analysis of documents and observations. Identified and analyzed current trends and risks associated with the use of electronic payment systems by legal entities. Electronic payments have been found to be a progressive and convenient innovation on the one hand, which has greatly accelerated the ability of individuals to engage in day-to-day market relations, and on the other, to be unlawfully encroached upon and systematically improved by criminals. Based on this, emphasis is placed on the urgent need for proper protection of payment systems. It is noted that examples of global counteraction to crimes and various offenses committed in the field of electronic payments are developed countries such as the United States, Great Britain, Canada, Singapore, as well as the European Union, especially France and Germany. As a result of the study, it has been noted that the above countries have all the opportunities to provide Ukraine and its citizens, as well as government officials with the necessary guidelines, technical and legal assistance to create an effective mechanism to combat offenses in the use of electronic payment systems.


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Bibliographies de l'auteur

Roman Volodymyrovych Shapoval, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, Ukraine.

Doctor of Law (2JD), Professor, Professor at the Department of Administrative Law and Administrative Activities of Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, Ukraine.

Ruslan Orlovskyi, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, Ukraine.

Doctor of Jurisprudence, Associate professor, Professor at the Department of Criminal Law № 1 Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, Ukraine.

Maksym Sykal, Academy of the State Penitentiary Service, Ukraine.

PhD in Law, Associate Professor, Academy of the State Penitentiary Service, Ukraine.

Stanislav Zlyvko, Academy of the State Penitentiary Service, Ukraine.

Doctor of Sciences (Law), Professor, Academy of the State Penitentiary Service, Ukraine.


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Comment citer

Shapoval, R. V., Orlovskyi, R., Sykal, M., & Zlyvko, S. (2021). Counteraction to offenses committed with the use of electronic payment systems: new challenges and problems. Amazonia Investiga, 10(44), 261–269.


