Cyber-addictions of the Ukrainian youth



Mots-clés :

cyberspace, interactive technologies, non-chemical dependence, cyber-addiction, Internet, social networks.


The work is devoted to the study of the problem of dependence on cyberspace of young people. Experts increasingly believe that cyber-addiction is a pathological urge or disease that belongs to the category of non-chemical dependencies and has its own nosology, etiology, pathogenesis and requires prevention, treatment and psycho-correction. Thanks to the analysis of scientific achievements, their actual types were determined, a comprehensive model of classification was built taking into account socially accepted, pathological and cyber-addiction; the stages of cyber-addiction formation are separated.

Thanks to the developed and tested method «Test-questionnaire for detecting cyber-addiction», it was found that the most typical addictions for young people are: computer addiction, Internet addiction, game addiction and gadget addiction; girls are more typical: cyber communicative addiction and selfitis. When considering age characteristics, it was found that the highest rates of 3rd degree of addiction are among people aged 19 to 21, a more even distribution of 2nd and 3rd degrees of addiction among people aged 14 to 15 years. Due to the factor analysis of the obtained results, it was established that an addict can have not one dependence, but several, although each of them may have a different degree of manifestation.


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Bibliographies de l'auteur

Yuliia Asieieva, Odessa Institute of the Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, Ukraine.

PhD, Head of the Department of General Scientific, Social and Behavioral Disciplines of the Odessa Institute of the Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, Ukraine.

Constantine Aymedov, Odessa National Medical University, Ukraine.

MD, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Odessa National Medical University, Ukraine.

Serhii Horishchak, Municipal Non-Commercial Enterprise "Children's City Polyclinic № 6" of Odessa City Council: Odessa, Ukraine.

PhD, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Director, Municipal Non-Commercial Enterprise "Children's City Polyclinic № 6" of Odessa City Council: Odessa, Ukraine.

Sergii Mierlich, Odessa National Medical University Ukraine.

PhD, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Surgeon-Oncologist of the highest category, Department of General Surgery, Odessa National Medical University Ukraine.

Konstiantyn Riabukhin, Odessa National Medical University, Ukraine.

PhD, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Psychiatrist, narcologist, medical psychologist, doctor of the highest category, Assistant of the Department of Psychiatry and Narcology, Odessa National Medical University, Ukraine.


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Comment citer

Asieieva, Y., Aymedov, C., Horishchak, S., Mierlich, S., & Riabukhin, K. (2021). Cyber-addictions of the Ukrainian youth. Amazonia Investiga, 10(44), 48–60.


