Phenomenon of effective interethnic interaction as an object of interdisciplinary research



Mots-clés :

interethnic interaction, intercultural communication, academic environment, education, adaptation. The publication was prepared within the framework of Research Project No. 17-29-09148 supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research.


The article focuses on the analysis of “interethnic interaction” concept in the subject field of the humanities. The purpose of the study is the development of a theoretical model of effective interethnic interaction, whose projection to the various spheres of social relations, including educational and professional ones, will harmonize and make effective the communication of the various ethnic groups. A review of Russian and foreign literature on the above topic was carried out for research purposes. Multidimensional analysis of “interethnic interaction” concept was carried out using the method of comprehensive theoretical analysis of the phenomenon under study. As the result of the study, it was determined that interethnic interaction is one of the forms of interaction between social communities and individuals, during which the communicative process of ethnocultural and cultural-universal exchange of information at the level of personality, group or social institution takes place. As the research result, a model of inter-ethnic interaction and its structure have been determined for the educational environment of an internationally oriented university. It was confirmed that the language of instruction is an integrating factor through which the preparation of the participants in the educational process, representatives of different ethnic groups, for effective inter-ethnic interaction is formed.


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Bibliographies de l'auteur

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Natalya V. Pomortseva, RUDN University, Russian Federation.

Doctor of Pedagogy, Assistant Professor, Dean of the Russian Language and General Education Faculty, RUDN University, Russian Federation.


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Comment citer

Kunovski, M. N., & Pomortseva, N. V. (2021). Phenomenon of effective interethnic interaction as an object of interdisciplinary research. Amazonia Investiga, 10(41), 267–274.


